A New Wings of Earth Novel and Some Big Changes Coming.

Hi there,

I haven’t been hibernating, even if it seems like it.

I’m actually about to release Fastest Track: Wings of Earth: Book Eight so you should make sure you’re subscribed to my newsletter to get the latest updates about that (you can follow the link here to get subscribed if you aren’t).

I decided, while that all is in post-production, it was time for me to clean out the corners of the website and do some remodeling.  SOOOOO, for the next week or so things may look a little chaotic but don’t despair, it will all be back up and running soon. (And of course, if you are subscribed to my newsletter, you’ll get the announcement about when things are ship shape here too… does that maybe, just a little bit, make it sound like you should be subscribed to my newsletter???)

I also just set up a new Facebook group where we can connect more directly. I’m there every day and would love to get to know you.

Drop by and leave me a question or comment.

Anyway, back to work for me… excuse the dust around here, but I promise it will all be worth it in the end.





By the way, did I say you’d get a free book if you sign up for my newsletter? Yeah, you really should do it!

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